About Us
“Smoking cigars is like falling in love; first you are attracted to its shape; you stay for its flavor; and you must always remember never, never let the flame go out.” This is a famous quote attributed to cigar aficionados and which our company, Rocket Cigars, want you to experience.
You will be receiving authentic Cuban cigars which you can verify at the official Habanos S.A. website by inputting the twelve digit barcode you can see at the authenticity seal with holograms factory attached to each cigar box.
Since 2003, we have been delivering Cuban cigars in its original and sealed boxes anywhere our client has indicated in their delivery address. As soon as we received the orders and it was successfully paid, we guarantee delivery within 15-30 days and we give assurance for its delivery since you can monitor your packages from the tracking number that we will provide.
We value your privacy which is the reason why any transactions that you do on our website are highly encrypted due to the security measures we utilized including SSL/TLS certificates as well as HackerSafe security scanner.
If you have questions and comments, our contact support team is reachable at [email protected] and any email that we will receive will be treated with utmost care conveying our reliable customer service efficiency.