Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5
Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5
Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5
Ring Gauge | 40 |
Length | 110 mm / 4.3 inches |
Strength | Medium to Full |
Size | Petit Corona |
Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5 Overview
Cohiba cigars are recognized by critics and fans alike as the world's most captivating smokes, and Cohiba Maduro 5 series cigars are among the most compelling. These dark cigars are the first widely available Cohiba cigars to use a Maduro wrapper. The Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5 cigars are 4.3" x 40 favorites, which combine the extra-fermented 5-year-old Maduro leaf with savory tobaccos from Vuelta Abajo.
Smoking Secretos Maduro 5 Cigars
The Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5 cigar is a deeply pleasing medium-full smoke that unleashes waves of sweet and spicy flavors on the finish. Espresso bean, leather, cedar, charred oak, salted peanut, and earth flavors engulf the senses with every draw. An underlying sweetness maintains a luxurious balance and delectable mouthfeel throughout the experience.
Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5 Experience
The Cohiba Secretos Maduro 5 cigar experience is an ideal choice for Maduro lovers and those searching for a change of pace from Cohiba lighter-wrapped cigars. These petit yet lively treasures combine all the sophistication, smoothness, intense flavor, and opulence of other Cohiba cigars with versatility and a dark character that is perfect for any occasion.