Cohiba Siglo VI
Cohiba Siglo VI
Cohiba Siglo VI
Ring Gauge | 52 |
Length | 150 mm / 5.9 inches |
Strength | Medium to Full |
Size | Robusto Extra |
Cohiba Siglo VI Overview
Cohiba is Cuba's most loved cigar brand worldwide, with the Cohiba La Linea 1492 series providing scrumptious smokes for those searching for smoother, lighter-bodied cigars. The Cohiba Siglo VI cigar emerges as a top pick with its richly textured tobacco blend from Vuelta Abajo and its popular 5.9" x 52 size.
Smoking Siglo VI Cigars
Cohiba Siglo VI cigars feature a larger ring gauge than others in the series, offering cigar smokers a fuller, more voluptuous smoke. Savory coffee, leather, cedar, baking spice, oak, floral, and roasted chestnut flavors fill out the medium-bodied smoke. A sweet and creamy earthiness provides structure throughout. The finish is a refined, long-lasting affair.
Cohiba Siglo VI Experience
For fans of Cohiba's La Linea 1492 series, the Cohiba Siglo VI delivers the famously smooth "Siglo" expression in an appealing, slightly larger format. The result is an absolute classic cigar lovers of all taste or experience levels can embrace. A versatile pairing cigar that is especially satisfying with coffee throughout the day or your favorite evening cocktail.