Ramon Allones Specially Selected
Ramon Allones Specially Selected
Ramon Allones Specially Selected
Ring Gauge | 50 |
Length | 124 mm / 4.9 inches |
Strength | Medium |
Size | Robusto |
Ramon Allones Specially Selected Overview
Ramon Allones cigars are not as highly publicized as other Cuban cigars, such as Cohiba and Partagas, yet cigar connoisseurs around the world cherish their richness, flavor, and complexity. The Ramon Allones Specially Selected is a compelling 4.9” x 50 Robusto that highlights the exquisite texture of tobacco from Cuba’s fertile Vuelta Abajo region.
Smoking a Ramon Allones Specially Selected
Ramon Allones Specially Selected cigars get underway with thick natural tobacco notes falling onto the palate. Cedar, earth, candied almond, and coffee hints work into the medium-bodied smoke. Spicy red pepper notes complement splashes of sweet cocoa as the smoke moves into the final third. Cedar and spice reappear for a bold and savory finish.
Ramon Allones Specially Selected Experience
The Ramon Allones Specially Selected cigar is a great all-around smoke that delights connoisseurs and new smokers alike with a balanced yet captivating Robusto-sized experience. Ramon Allones Specially Selected cigars are true treasures hidden in the shadows of more publicized counterparts and ideal options for one and all. In addition, the cigars offer drink pairing versatility, whether wine, ale, bourbon, or rum.